Velle Niqo Tay

Ms. Velle Niqo Tay is an entrepreneur and a psychotherapist with a visibility of 18+ years in various areas, namely in Consulting & Strategic Partnership, Sales & Marketing, General Management, Hypnotherapy & Counselling and Training & Development.
Velle strongly advocates “The Lean Startup Methodology” and has interfaced frequently with multi-national companies’ C-suite clients, government officials, senior delegations, as well as growing a world-class team including outreach to investors, partners and customers in diverse industries. She recognizes the value of customer discovery and validating her hypothesis about the business model early on in the business’ life-cycle.
Wednesday 13th Nov
Entrepreneurship Introduction
(Speakers: Dr. Mike, Edwin, Sherwin / Moderator: Velle)
- What is your definition of entrepreneurship?
- Who is your role model?
- What inspires you?
Is there a right timing for entrepreneurship?