Schuin Tang

Schuin Tang, FL started his journey into learning numerology, therapy, psychology and meta physics 15 years ago for self-improvement as well as to gain understanding of the co relation between the mind and external environment.
He does consulting for profile analysis based on date of birth and name, and also life path planning and strategic execution for personal and business matters. He deeply enjoys giving assistance to others through the understanding and leveraging of mind, emotions and spirit.
4:45 - 5.45 PM 2nd Segment
Wednesday 13th Nov
Failure / Obstacle (Mindset Shift)
(Speakers: Jacky, Schuin, Brenda, JJ / Moderator: Dr. Mike)
- Did you succeed the first time?
- Is there a guarantee against failure?
- Do you need a coach or mentor?
- How can we prevent failure?